New OSPi Software – with Analog Sensor API

Now also for him OSPi available: The “Analog Sensor Api”.

Anyone who has an (older) OSPi If you have a PCF8591T chip, you're in luck: the analog connections can be used to record analog measurement data.

e.g. you can connect the SMT50 directly.

VCC = +5V
GND = Ground
A0..A3 = analog inputs
OUT = analogue output (unused)

But you can also use the software WITHOUT the PCF8591T chip and, for example, access sensors via the network.

You can find the software in GitHub:

Important: Activate Raspberry Pi I2C interface, e.g. like this described

Install the software as you installed the original software. Back up the configuration via app beforehand!

Then proceed as described here:

Activate analog sensor configuration

Important: To control the new functions, install the app “OpenSprinklerASB” from the APPSTORE / PLAYSTORE!

2 opinions on “New OSPi Software – with Analog Sensor API"

  1. Thomas Thaler
    Thomas Thaler says:

    In the meantime, is there a solution for an analog board I2C to work with the OSPI V1.5.2 can be used or are there other open source projects known that allow such an extension? Would (balcony) like to use the data from 18+ moisture sensors along with the weather data to have the correct amount of moisture for each plant.
    Thanks in advance for further tips.

  2. admin
    admin says:

    This is not possible due to different interfaces.
    However, you can use analog interface cards with ADS1115 chip for the Raspberry PI and thus activate up to 16 analog interfaces (4 inputs per card, max 4). The interface cards must be able to use 0x48 / 0x49 / 0x4A / 0x4B as an address so that they can be used by the OSPi software can be read.

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