How it works!

That's how it works with that OpenSprinkler Water computer


Do you want to water many different places in your garden? Do you want to avoid over watering but at the same time water more on hot days? Or don't water at all if it's supposed to rain or has rained? Then OpenSprinkler the solution. This small mini computer fetches the weather report from the Internet and then adjusts the watering – automatically!

What is necessary
  1. In the garden should irrigation lines be laid, which are connected to one (or more) water connections. A wide variety of irrigation types are supported: drip lines, lawn sprinklers, micro drip - it doesn't matter. If you are building a new house and have a large garden, consider having a suitably large water pipe laid from the house connection, preferably directly after the main filter and before any decalcification system. Talk to your plumber and gardener.
  2. Each line should go to an area of ​​the garden. Please note the necessary and maximum pressure and the pipe diameter for the irrigation systems. You can only connect 4 lawn sprinklers that require 3 bar to a 1 bar water connection - due to pressure loss in the line.
  3. The irrigation control of these lines must be about 24VAC be controlled by valves. Recommendation: Install the valves in a valve box in the lawn. The electrical lines should be brought together in an additional splash-proof box.
  4. The 24VAC valves must be electrically connected OpenSprinkler to be connected. In the FAQs you can learn more about cable types and dimensions.

    OpenSprinkler must on one dry place to be installed. Depending on the type, you can connect it to the Internet via WiFi or an Ethernet cable. 230V connection must be available, install with a suitable power supply unit. Do not connect to power until all valve cables are connected! The matching power supply is already included with the DC version. For larger installations, you should use the AC version and purchase the appropriate AC power pack from our shop. In the latter case, we recommend installing a DIN rail power supply directly in the fuse cabinet or in a IP65 housing.
  5. If using a standard power supply, you must remove the plug and strip the wires before connecting it to the OpenSprinkler connect (only AC version!).
  6. Connect now OpenSprinkler with electricity. Install the App "OpenSprinkler” on her smartphone. At first start builds OpenSprinkler own WLAN with the name “OS_xxxxxxx”. Connect your smartphone or PC to this WLAN. Open your web browser and enter the address Then follow the on-screen instructions. For the following steps you will then need the SSID of your WLAN router and the WLAN password. After successful setup, the OpenSprinkler new and connects to the wifi. If this was successful, then after pressing B1 the IP address should appear
  7. First change the language to German (German) and set up a new one Password for the device. Default password is “open-door".
  8. In the next step you define the individual ones water cycles.
  9. In the settings (bottom right the field with the 3×3 dots) you can create the watering program(s).
  10. So that the automatic watering based on the weather forecast you must enter the time zone and location in the options under "System". Then under “Weather and Sensors” select the weather-specific method “Zimmerman”. With “Set Calibration” you can define what corresponds to a 100% watering time. Further details on the Zimmermann method are available on the Internet:
    New: With the setting evapotranspiration the dynamic weather-dependent irrigation can be set even more easily!
  11. Do some Test runs. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to calculate the exact watering time, but you can measure it: place one or more glasses with large openings on your lawn and activate the watering, measuring the time. As soon as the glass has reached a water level of 2 cm, stop the time and carry it - rounded up - in OpenSprinkler a, interval every three days.
    With drip lines and micro drip systems, it's more like 10-15 minutes every other day.
    Regarding the time, my tip: OpenSprinker can calculate the time of sunrise and sunset. Start watering 5min after sunset by pressing “Use SUG” as “Start Time” and entering “Delay (min)”=5.
  12. There are lots of videos on YouTube!

23 opinions on “How it works!"

  1. Andreas
    Andreas says:

    Hello, I am looking for a solution to control an irrigation system via the Internet. So from anywhere in the world. Can you do that with your system?
    My allotment should be watered. I have 230V there via a solar system, but no internet. I would have to build it up somehow. Mobile? SIM card? I don't really know.
    Maybe you can help me.

    • admin
      admin says:

      Hi Andrew,
      Yes, that should work with an LTE router with the appropriate SIM card. This would give you internet access on site.

      It will be more difficult to access it from "anywhere in the world", because the LTE router does not identify itself on the Internet.

      So the LTE router with it OpenSprinkler is “somewhere on the internet” and your smartphone is “somewhere on the internet”. How do the two find each other? Since there are no fixed IP addresses for mobile communications and port forwarding does not work either, both (or others, e.g. the woman's smartphone, the PC, etc.) have to meet at a central point on the Internet. This is only possible with a VPN server. All devices install a VPN client and then connect to this VPN server.

      We can clarify details by e-mail, I'm very interested in the topic.

      • Fossi
        Fossi says:

        With VPN is not difficult to implement. IPFire e.g. B. Brings a graphical interface to set up VPN with Openvpn. In addition, there is more security for the home network. ovpn must then be installed on the client (e.g. Raspi). The server must be accessible via DynDNS via FQDN. The Raspi dials in at startup. Get in touch if you need help. Why is your Rainbird not selling Hunter? Quality, price, experience?

    • gerhard
      gerhard says:

      Do you really want to control - or just monitor? Ie see if everything is running. I would do it like that. Irrigation self-sufficient, but in view.
      If you're doing this with a cloud application (e.g, you also don't have the problem that the smartphone and controller don't see each other - they then meet at the cloud service.

        • admin
          admin says:

          There are many services of this type. Supported so far OpenSprinkler but only IF-THIS-THAN-THAT
          Da OpenSprinkler Is open source, you could install that. If you then publish it as a Github pull request, everyone could use it.

      • Roman
        Roman says:

        J'ai acheté a maison équipé d'un arrosage automatique open sprinkler. L'arrosage fonctionnait l'année dernière. J'ai voulu remettre en route cette année mais l'eau ne sort pas. J'entends le clic sur les vannes mais il n'y a pas d'eau qui sort. An idea you have a problem?

        • admin
          admin says:

          si les vannes cliquent mais qu'il n'y a pas d'eau, c'est soit
          a) il n'y a pas d'eau dans la conduite
          b) la tension n'est pas suffisante pour ouvrir la vanne. Vérifie les données de fabrication de la vanne avec la tension mesurée.

  2. Kito
    Kito says:

    Hello, I can't get an answer here in the forum, so I'm hoping for an answer here.

    Hi. I have connected a rain sensor according to the instructions. In the menu from opensprinkler I selected rain under "Connected sensor type". Below that is another field that says: Normally open (rain sensor). what is this for Don't get the meaning behind it???!!

    I have the hook in, the sensor has been reporting rain since yesterday. Does the catch have to be in there or not?

    Can someone enlighten me? I couldn't find anything anywhere. Thanks

    • admin
      admin says:

      “Normal (open)”:
      [ ] = If dry then GND+SNR1 NOT connected (open); Moisture detected, then GND+SNR1 connected (closed): Reports moisture
      [X] = If dry then GND+SNR1 connected (closed); Moisture detected, then GND+SNR1 NIKCHT connected (open): : Reports dryness

      By the way, with the next firmware update there will be a real “moisture sensor” option

  3. Torsten Preusser
    Torsten Preusser says:

    Hi. I have a home automation where the garden irrigation is already integrated. What I'm looking for is a soil moisture sensor with a potential-free (2-wire) output/connection. There I would want to connect a sensor of my home automation. The sensor has two states (open/closed). Which one doesn't matter to me. I don't necessarily need the internet connection either, just a working sensor with a beatable output. problem understood? greeting

    • admin
      admin says:

      What they need is a digital soil moisture sensor.
      However, the SMT50 from our shop is analog. Together with the ZPR-21 you could achieve this, this is an adjustable limit switch with hysteresis. However, the ZPR-21 needs a 24V connection, the SMT50 5V.
      I have done various tests with soil moisture sensors. The problem with this is that you only look at a certain point in the garden and you water it directly. This is impractical for larger gardens, as the soil stores moisture differently.

  4. Ralf
    Ralf says:

    Hello, I'm looking for instructions on which settings I have to make in the app. I can't handle it. So which user, which IP and which password must be set. Thank you for your support . An error is always displayed that the IP (is under B1) is wrong. I have specified with and without port or

    • admin
      admin says:

      maybe the OpenSprinkler logged into the GUEST WLAN? The Fritz! box blocks access, so use the “normal” WLAN.

  5. Klaus
    Klaus says:

    Following question.
    I would like to operate the part only via Lan, ie can the WLAN be switched off?
    Can I do the configuration via any web browser?
    Best regards

    • admin
      admin says:

      If you are connected via LAN, the WLAN will be disabled.
      Yes, via any web browser and app. Note the system requirements.

  6. Siegfried
    Siegfried says:

    Hello, is there a small, ready-to-use solution that is the size of a "normal" irrigation computer, i.e. a box with a battery and a water pipe as an input/output?

    • admin
      admin says:

      Unfortunately, no. Whenever WiFi is involved, the battery doesn't work - it would always be empty. Of the OSBee would be a compact solution for solenoid valves with pulse coils (9V coils), can be operated with a mini-photovoltaic, so at least during the day. Only needs a USB output.

  7. Tom
    Tom says:

    Hi guys, I'm interested in the OpenSprinkler. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to read how exactly the watering times can be set.
    minutes, seconds? I would use the system indoors and it must be possible to adjust the irrigation to the second.
    Thank you ever.

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