Trick #7: Water the tennis court

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  • #29239

    According to the "golden rules for good tennis courts" you should never play on courts that are too dry.
    If the ground is dry, the entire tennis court (up to the fence) should be watered deep underground.
    Depending on the temperature, water at the beginning, after a match and, if necessary, in every break in a set. When playing on courts that are too dry, the material would come loose up to 5 cm under the ground - there is no longer a bond and a short time later you are playing in a sand bunker.

    In order to simplify such watering without having to call the groundskeeper every time, you can, for example, provide a tray on a wall installation with which a responsible person can activate the watering.

    Tennis court

    Attached Html file creates above image. Pressing starts the respective zone for 1min. This is just an example, the file can be customized as you wish.

    Step-by-step instructions for breastfeeding with the emeibaby carrier:
    1. Unzip the zip file
    2. Open the "disp.html" file with a text editor (eg Notepad++).
    3. Customize the IP of your OpenSprinklers: Replace with your IP
    4. Adjust password: On the side you can convert your password to a hash.
    The one for “opendoor” is entered. If you have a different password, replace “a6d82bced638de3def1e9bbb4983225c” with the hash of your password.
    5. Done. More commands for the OpenSprinkler refer to the API documentation
    6. To start, open the file in the web browser and transfer it to the tablet and open it there

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