The Weather Service of OpenSprinkler is a web service provided by the manufacturer “OpenSprinkler” operates in the United States. By default, this is preset to always use the weather services from DarkSky, WeatherUnderground or OpenWeatherMap. The reason is that these services are available free of charge or unlimited queries are possible with DarkSky.
Unfortunately, since these services are available worldwide, their data is sometimes very rough and imprecise.
Due to the OpenData initiative of the European Union, the weather data of the German Weather Service free to download. The service prepares the data and allows a location-based data query. And this is exactly where the new one comes into play OpenSprinklerShop Weather service and provides the data of the German Weather Service.
- Calculates min, max, and average temperature values
- humidity levels
- wind strength
- Cloud density for the solar radiation calculation
- ETO for evapotranspiration
- 7-day forecast for the OpenSprinklerApp
- Irrigation data for Zimmerman
- Only works for locations in Germany or close to the border
- Usable by everyone OpenSprinkler-Versions included OSPi!
- Additional and new: ETO calculation for Weather Underground!
This weather service is in BETA status, use it at your own risk and without guarantee!
You can set the selection of the weather service as follows:
- In a web browser, type the address
one, e.g.
You can find out the IP address by pressing B1.
- The following window appears. In the “Weather” field, enter the value
one, then her OpenSprinkler-Password and confirm with “Send data”
- Then start the OpenSprinkler new so that the current data is retrieved
- After the reboot, you can check the current status using the top menu and system diagnostics links.
- So weather service appears below "Unrecognized weather service provider" - that's correct, the app does not know this service yet.
- Please enter questions or experiences in the forum so that as many people as possible can benefit from it.
- Source code is here: (in the routes/weatherProviders subfolder)
- For quality and diagnostic reasons, the calls are currently saved anonymously (no IP, only weather data for the requested position). This is for troubleshooting only.
Please tell me about your experience HERE!
Is it possible to query the data comparatively over a period of time (outside the OS)?
Yes, of course it works. As in the forum from OpenSprinkler described here
you just have to change the server address:
ETo –,10.94394&key=&fwv=218&wto=“baseETo”:0.113,”elevation”:1063
Zimmerman –,10.94380&wto=“h”:100,”t”:100,”r”:100,”bh”:65,”bt”:70,”br”:0
loc is the location as coordinates, then the weather specific parameters.
and of course also directly via Bright Sky:
I changed the weather service some time ago, now I wanted to enter a new one, but the specified page no longer opens ( of course with the correct address.
Why is that?
– So the IP should be the one when you press “B1” on the OpenSprinkler is shown
– If they access it with their smartphone, they should make sure that they are also in the WLAN and not connected via LTE (possibly switch off mobile data)
– From the PC you can check whether the connection exists by entering from the command line (start/execute/cmd): ping -t
Thanks for the feedback.
Ping gives me an answer, I can also log in on the Raspberry, OpenSprinkler works too. I had changed that before, only now I get "an error occurred while connecting" when I http:///su type in the browser.
Oh, it's about him OSPi. The port must also be specified here, default is 8080:
Thank you, now it works!
Hello, the weather service at is still active, right?
Then I will test it with ETo.
Yes is still active