New! Global Weather Service via
Open-Meteo combines local (2 km resolution) and global (11 km) weather models from national weather services. For every location on earth, the best forecast is available.
National weather services include German Weather Service (DWD), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), meteofrance and Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute.
Weather data by
This service is therefore suitable for worldwide weather!
The adress is:
This one like below Weather service tester wanted embed and then the OpenSprinkler start anew!
Questions are welcome! Please write me your experience with this service here!
Hi Stefan,
where is the difference in data between :3333 and :3336 if open meteo also uses the DWD data? I've just tried both and am getting different watering levels.
While DWD uses the readings from the weather stations, Open Meteo uses a "weather model" that combines various data.
And where is the advantage/disadvantage of the two providers? Are there any specific recommendations?
Hi, I can't get the new weather service to work, no matter what I enter in the weather field under IP/su (and confirm with password), I see "Weather service offline" and "Connection failed". http and https as well as port 3333 and 3336 were tried in all combinations and restarted in each case.
Another idea? Thank you!
maybe the firmware is too old? Menu links above, “About”, Firmware version?
Are you possibly using a fixed IP and have not entered a DNS server? If so, please enter here (menu on the bottom right, options, advanced)
Or instead enter the IP address:
Is it working now?
I have the same problem - whether with IP or URL, whether port 3333 or 3336, DNS resolution works, ping is answered, latest GIT print. When resetting to “” and reboot, it takes about 15 minutes to reconnect to the weather service
I have a few days ago in my Opensprinkler because weather service configured. I live in northern Switzerland, about 35 km from the German border. I use Eto. With dark sky the weather data was bad to unusable. It often indicated rain although none had fallen for days. with Open Meteo things are quite different. Very promising so far and surprisingly precise in terms of precipitation, temperature and irradiation. Does Open Meteo also have a Swiss service provider?
I'm looking forward to the summer. Thank you for the improved weather data!
Works right away!