In accordance with the new EU VAT guidelines, which have now also been converted into German law and have been in effect since July 01.07.2021st, XNUMX, the invoices are now created with the VAT rate of the country in which the delivery is to take place. For commercial customers with a valid VAT ID no. nothing changes, they continue to receive their invoice without VAT via the reverse charge process. Also for […]
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The OpenSprinkler DC, DC with Ethernet and Latch now only cost as much as the corresponding AC version. The reason is we have the power supply as with OpenSprinkler AC separated and thus this is offered without one. You can find the DC power supply here If you use the product wizard to find your OpenSprinkler buy, you get […]
With our new CONFIGURATOR you can now create yours much more easily OpenSprinkler-Put together an installation and save a lot at the same time! Housing: 30% Standard power supplies: 50% DIN rail power supplies: 30% Soil moisture sensor (SMT50): 15% ZoneExpander: 10% But only if you buy an OpenSpinkler at the same time via the configurator Click here to get to the assistant This configurator combines several steps and closes out of what […]
With the OSBee are now all essential products of American OpenSprinkler-Shops available in Europe Der OSBee is the little brother of OpenSprinkler, it can control up to 3 9x pulse solenoid valves (latch/self-holding) and only with a 5V power supply. This is made possible by an integrated booster, which, like its big brother, boosts the voltage. Of the OSBee has […]
As our housing supplier informed us, the housings with the dimension 200x300x130 mm have been replaced by new housings with the dimension 210x280x130 mm. This changes the internal dimensions to 160,6 x 236,6 x 118 mm. So it's wider, but not as high. For the DIN rails, instead of 6 cm at the top and 8 cm [...]
Due to an error in the automatic translation system of this shop system, orders whose language settings were NOT set to “German” could not be processed. This problem is now solved. As a small thank you for your patience, use the coupon code 6crfhfty for free shipping (EU, from 50EUR, until 31.03.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX)
OpenSprinkler "Main irrigation circuit" function, you can easily control a pump. The main irrigation circuit is opened before the first irrigation circuit and only closed after the last irrigation circuit. But what does this look like electrically? At the connection of OpenSprinklers are 24VAC or 7,5-12VDC (depending on the version). Possibilities are: Relays: There are many 24VAC relays on the market […]
Our new A2D adapter together with the SMT50 soil moisture sensor is becoming increasingly popular. But how exactly do you use them, how do you set them correctly? To answer this question, you first have to understand how it works and for what purpose you want to use it. One problem remains: you […]
How do you install the ZoneExpander in a small enclosure? My suggestion: double decker! You need an additional DIN rail holder and longer screws for this. Alternatively, you can use double-sided tape. Since the green plugs can be pulled off, the installation of the solenoid valve cable is quite easy: pull off, screw on the cable, plug in, done.
Here is a great article on how and how much to water the lawn: Water the lawn properly