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  • as answer to: Water does not turn off #31189

    If there is no more power but the solenoid valve does not close, then it is either dirty or defective. Sometimes you just have to vent, for example if air has gotten into the line and is now “hanging” in the valve.

    as answer to: Parallel and sequential irrigation #31057

    The firmware is also available for OSPi. Simply run the update script (with sudo) – export the config first!

    The following rules apply to the new group function:

    – within a group (same letter) everything runs sequentially

    – Outside the groups (different letters) everything runs parallel

    – Group P always runs in parallel

    So you only need to set 1 + 2 in group A and 3 + 4 in group B.

    as answer to: ospi and home assistant #31028

    You can install home assistant on the same Raspberry Pi.

    as answer to: OpenSprinkler keeps restarting #30846

    “PowerOn” is for the OpenSprinkler like switching off/on, i.e. restarting due to power loss.

    Did you connect something to the sensor inputs or to GND/5V?

    Or possibly a short to COM and a zone?

    Can you measure the power supply voltage to see whether it is and remains constant (measure voltage for 5 minutes)?

    If everything is no, please contact support: and refer to it here. We may need to swap the power board (that has the voltage converter)


    as answer to: WiFi connection does not hold #30329

    In my experience, it's the environment. Even if you haven't changed anything, other WLANs have probably developed around you, which are now reducing the range.

    Unfortunately, this WiFi contamination is increasing and the only thing you can do about it is try even harder: With your own WiFi repeater.

    as answer to: Valve does not open in the program #30311

    You have to export your configuration and send it to me so that we can take a look.

    as answer to: Button to activate circles #30309

    Have a look here in the forum under “Trick No. 6”

    as answer to: Beta test irrigation service #27179

    You can see the results of DWD and OpenSprinkler compare:
    The call is made via the Bright Sky service.<LAT>&lon=<LON>&date=<DATUM-TSTUNDE&gt;

    Go to Google Maps and right click on your house. The coordinates appear, which can be copied to the clipboard with a click.

    You now enter these two values ​​for lat and lon. The date is today's date minus one day. Hour after the T. It looks like this:
    So 13.02.2023 8:30am is 2023-02-12T08

    A list with the weather measurement data then appears. Below “precipitation” is the rain reading


    as answer to: Parallel and sequential irrigation #26553

    Have you seen that the new firmware update now also supports group formation?

    as answer to: Beta test irrigation service #26262

    OpenSprinkler always asks the weather providers for the weather of the last 24 hours. Most then provide slots for 1 hour with the weather data.

    The weather display in the APP has nothing to do with the irrigation control. Only what is written under "Diagnosis" is decisive.

    In my opinion, the main problem is that the weather is only called up every 4 hours. If it has just rained for 3,5 hours and is still raining, this is often not recognized.

    Therefore, in the latest firmware 111, I have installed the weather call to 1 minute before the next planned program start (if the last weather call is older than 30 minutes)

    as answer to: Trick #5: Automatically Timed REBOOT #26222

    By the way, this only works with time-controlled execution, not with manual execution

    as answer to: FlowSensor 3-wire is not recognized #26035


    The data sheet says "Output power DC 4,7 V", which probably means that it switches the signal cable to PLUS.

    Unfortunately, this does not work, the pulse counters must connect GND to the sensor input.

    So there is always an impulse when GND+SENSOR is connected

    as answer to: Unable to complete support request form #26034

    Our server is connected to the Vodafone Network and they made some maintenance in the last days.

    It's working now...

    as answer to: FlowSensor 3-wire is not recognized #25985

    It would be more interesting to know what you have set in the sensors settings

    as answer to: Irrigation level no longer adjusts itself #25678

    Then I recommend a firmware update

    New firmware (BETA)

Viewing 15 posts - 1 to 15 (of 70 total)